18 February 2011

Just a couple days left before it begins...

Less is better. When it comes to packing for a trip, that's how I feel. I have a small suitcase, which will soon be filled with some clothes and other essentials for my journey. I've done a large amount of laundry, I've made a list of items I mustn't forget, and I've been rolling my eyes at the handful of other American students going on this trip who have posted on a group page on Facebook about how they have no idea how they're going to pack everything and maybe they should go ahead and bring two suitcases and thinking that the program runners can't possibly be serious about needing to be able to carry your suitcase several flights of stairs.

It amuses me. There are several jabs at American consumerism in the information guides sent to us for this program and... a decent number of the other students going balk at this, declaring that they are fine with being big time consumerists. Which is exactly what the guide is saying you shouldn't do. Alas, I suppose instructions given by the program one is enrolled in are about as useful as telling a kid, "Don't eat the cookies I left out on the counter." Of course the kid's going to eat them... ahem, brat.

Okay, okay, I'm being harsh. I'm a ridiculously light packer. I'd live out of a backpack if I thought I could get away with it. I'm not normal.

In other news, the time for leaving is extremely close. Today, I had several meetings to discuss some of what will happen when I get back to the country and am back in regular classes again. I visited several people, hugged several, and told them all something along the lines of "Well, have a great next 4 months, as I probably won't see you again before I leave."

I have a small group of close friends going out for dinner tomorrow (well, technically later today). And that's my little private going away party. Aside from that, I'm not really doing anything special with anybody. I'm just going to slip away. And I'm so ready for it. Treasure Island finished up last weekend and that was the only thing I've really been doing lately. It's time to go get busy again. It's time to go on an adventure. It's time to go. A couple days.

So, given that I feel like I should include something entertaining in my post, I'll leave you with a video clip. This is Tim Minchin, an Australian comedian of whom I am quite fond. He's rather hilarious--the intro is a bit long, but trust me, midway through, you will not regret watching.

Not his funniest song, but daaaang, that solo's sweet. Also, I'm hoping to see him. He's going to be playing... at the Sydney Opera House with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Freakin' awesome.


  1. i definitely do not regret watching that video. fantastic.
    have a super fun/safe trip fellow study-abroader!! :D
    (yes i realize i haven't even left the country haha)

  2. Haha thanks, Lori!

    I'll be in LA tomorrow night and most of Monday. We will be breathing the same air! Hope you're having a great time!
